—discover coliving that's got a— 🛠 makerspace
Equipped with small-scale production facilities and also known as fab-labs when their focus is on personal fabrication such as CNC machines, 3D printers, laser cutting; whilst broader facilities would also include include screen printing, sewing machines…You can expand this tag to show all 🔬worklabs.
I'm looking to stay in
⤚outside Helsinki, Finland⟶ from €650/monthFeenix -
⤚Alentejo, Portugal⟶ from €240/monthOasa• Traditional Dream Factory -
⤚outside Berlin, Germany⟶ from €690/month · CocoLabCoconat -
⤚Andalusia, Spain⟶ from €1380/monthRooral -
⤚Lietzow, Germany⟶ from €505/two-weeksProject Bay