Coliving Communitythe open directory for short/mid-term
purposeful [co]workations and stays

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Village life beckons at these spaces, closer to nature yet you can still grab a loaf of bread from the local shop, assuming you don't pickup how to bake one yourself.😉 You can expand this tag to show all 🌲countryside.

I'm looking to stay in

  1. 1

    Aoma · Ericeira, Portugal

    Sforming📈investments🧲hub🎪occasional⚛️purposeful⌨️workspaces from enquire
  2. 2

    Nine · the Canary Islands, Spain

    M🏖coast🏝island🧚facilitated⌨️coworking🧘yoga🏋️gym from €840/month
  3. 3

    Cactus · the Canary Islands, Spain

    M🏝island🧚facilitated⌨️coworking🧲hub🛁ensuites🖥️monitors from €735/month
  4. 4

    KoHub · Ko Lanta, Thailand

    S🏝island🧙magic🧲hub♻️sustainability⌨️workspaces🏘dispersed from €1125/month
  5. 5

    Burgas · Burgas, Bulgaria

    M⌨️coworking⚛️purposeful🧚facilitated🎦⌨️desk⛲️big-garden🛁ensuites from €790/month
  6. 6

    Kalart · outside Barcelona, Spain

    M🧲hub⚛️purposeful🎪regular⌨️coworking⌨️desk🌷garden from €845/month
  7. 7

    Hub House · scouting, France

    Mplanning⚛️purposeful🤝cooperative🧲hub🧮coownership📈investments from enquire
  8. 8

    Alpiness · the Alps, Switzerland

    S🌲rural🧚facilitated⛰️mountains⌨️workspaces🖥️monitors🐕pets from €710/month
  9. 9

    Outpost · Weligama, Sri Lanka

    M🧲hub⌨️workspaces🎪regular🧑‍🍳meals🛁ensuites🏊pool from €1390/month
  10. 10

    Traditional Dream Factory · Alentejo, Portugal

    Llaunching☮️intentional⚛️purposeful🌾farming🛠makerspace⌨️coworking from €240/month
  11. Dwell · the Azores islands, Portugal

    S🏖beach🏝island🍃terrace🎪regular⌨️coworking🎦⌨️desk from €765/month
  12. NomadGao · Goa, India

    S🏖beach⌨️coworking🧲hub🎪regular🎦🛖studios🧑‍🍳meals from €190/month
  13. Picassa · Andalusia, Spain

    S⌨️coworking🎪regular🍃terrace🚶hiking👩‍🌾localfood💳booking from €450/month
  14. Surfbreak   PXM · Puerto Escondido, Mexico

    L🧐curated🎪regular⌨️coworking🏊pool🏄surfing⌨️ergo desk from €985/month
  15. Gato Azul · the Canary Islands, Spain

    M🏝island🎪occasional⌨️coworking🌷garden🏖coast🧘yoga from €560/two-weeks
  16. The Space · San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

    M🏖coast🏨hostel♻️sustainability🛰️outreach🏊pool⛲️big-garden from €50/month
  17. Off The Hook · the Algarve, Portugal

    S🧲hub🏖beach⌨️coworking🎦⌨️desk🍃terrace🛁ensuites from €945/month
  18. Outpost   Penestanan · Bali, Indonesia

    M🧲hub⌨️coworking🎪regular🎦🏊pool🍃terrace🛁ensuites from €1290/month
  19. Cactus · the Canary Islands, Spain

    M🏝island🎪regular⌨️coworking🧲hub🚶hiking🍃terrace from €735/month
  20. Nomadico · Ericeira, Portugal

    S🎪occasional⌨️coworking⌨️desk🍃terrace🛁ensuites🏖beach from €475/month
  21. Ocean Spirits Lodge · Algarve, Portugal

    M🏖beach🎪ad-hoc⌨️coworking🧘yoga🏄‍♀️sup🚶hiking from €420/two-weeks
  22. Mokrin House · near Kikinda, Serbia

    L🧲hub🧐curated⌨️coworking⚛️purposeful⚜️upscale🧑‍🍳meals from €1850/month
  23. Quinta da Quinhas · near Viana do Castelo, Portugal

    M🧲hub⌨️coworking🌷garden🏖beach🏖coast🛁ensuites from €700/month
  24. The Void   Dharamkot · McLeod Ganj, India

    M🎪regular⌨️coworking🧘yoga🧑‍🍳meals🛁ensuites🏨tourists from €200/two-weeks
  25. Les Briques · Normandy, France

    M🧲hub🎪regular⚛️purposeful🍃terrace⌨️workroom👩‍🌾localfood from €890/month
  26. Ghoomakad · the Himalayas, India

    S⚛️purposeful🧬impact🧲hub⌨️coworking🧑‍🍳meals⛰️mountains from €80/month
  27. Matra · Bali, Indonesia

    S🧲hub⌨️coworking🤔unfacilitated🏊pool🧑‍🍳meals🏖coast from €260/month
  28. Rooral · Andalusia, Spain

    S🧚facilitated🏷package🛠makerspace🛁ensuites🧘yoga🚶hiking from €900/month
  29. Dolce Vita · Umbria, Italy

    XSforming🎪regular⌨️workroom🚕pickup🚲bikes🛒shops from €1300/month
  30. Kasbari · near Taghazout, Morocco

    M🧲hub🏖beach⌨️coworking🎪occasional🍃courtyard🏄surfing from €250/month
  31. Vermont Hub · the Alps, Switzerland

    M🧚facilitated⛰️mountains⌨️workroom⌨️desk🏁programmes👩‍🌾localfood from €2405/month
  32. Outsite · Madeira, Portugal

    M🏝island🧚facilitated🔗connections⛰️mountains⌨️desk🤔common workspace from €1390/month
  33. SunDesk · Taghazout, Morocco

    XS🎦⌨️coworking🍃terrace🏖coast🧑‍🍳meals🏄surfing🌞toasty from €705/month
  34. Remote & Digital   Sunset Hill Resort · Ko Pha-ngan, Thailand

    L🏖coast🏖beach🏝island🏊pool⌨️coworking🧑‍🍳meals from €540/month
  35. Três Bandeiras · near Ericeira, Portugal

    S🏖beach🌷garden⌨️workroom🎦⌨️desk🎪occasional🏄surfing from €855/month
  36. La Vita Sukha · Puglia, Italy

    S🧐curated🧘‍♀️mindful🏞retreats🤔common workspace🎪regular⛲️big-garden from €700/month
  37. coaliving · outside Maastricht, Belgium

    M🛖studios🎪occasional⌨️workroom🍿movies⌨️desk🍃terrace from €1000/month
  38. Tulia · Tenerife, Spain

    S🎪regular🏝island⌨️workroom🖥️monitors🏊pool🧘yoga from €1275/month
  39. Escape   Greek · Crete, Greece

    M🏘dispersed🧚facilitated⌨️workroom🏖beach🏝island🏊pool from €1320/month
  40. Maraya · the Canary Islands, Spain

    S⚛️purposeful🏖coast🏄surfing🏊pool⌨️workroom🍃terrace from €735/month
  41. Pipedream · Peniche, Portugal

    XS🏖beach🏄surfing🎦⌨️coworking🧘yoga🌷garden🛁ensuites from €1140/month
  42. Abreuvoir Général · the Cévennes, France

    XS⛰️mountains🤝cooperative🧲hub⌨️workroom🎪occasional🚶hiking from €560/two-weeks
  43. Sugar · Weligama, Sri Lanka

    M🏨hostel⌨️coworking🧑‍🍳meals🍃terrace🧘yoga🏖beach from €130/two-weeks
  44. NETS · Ahangama, Sri Lanka

    S🧲hub🏨hybrid🤔unfacilitated⌨️coworking🛁ensuites🏊pool from €995/two-weeks
  45. Vagabonds · the Canary Islands, Spain

    XS🏝island⚛️purposeful🏖coast⌨️coworking📝application⌨️desk from €970/month
  46. Selina · La Fortuna, Costa Rica

    M⌨️coworking🧲hub🏨hostel🏊pool🍃terrace🛁ensuites from €285/month
  47. Onda · near Peniche, Portugal

    XS🏖beach🤔common workspace🧚facilitated🏊pool⌨️desk🍃terrace from €1290/month
  48. Frilingue   Swiss Alps · the Alps, Switzerland

    S🌲rural🎪occasional⚛️purposeful⛰️mountains🤔common workspace🧑‍🍳meals from €700/month
  49. Four Leaf Clover · Bansko, Bulgaria

    XL🏨aparthotel🎪occasional🛖studios🛁ensuites⌨️coworking🎦⌨️desk from €350/month
  50. Plan B · Weligama, Sri Lanka

    XS🏨hostel🧲hub⌨️coworking🧑‍🍳meals🍃terrace🏄surfing from €160/two-weeks (only shared)
  51. Parq · Bali, Indonesia

    XL⚜️upscale🏨aparthotel🧲hub🏝island🏘dispersed⌨️desk from €560/month
  52. CO-CO · the Costa Blanca, Spain

    XS🧲hub🎪occasional🤔common workspace⌨️desk🏖beach🏊pool from €1800/month
  53. As We Flow · Sardinia, Italy

    S🎪regular🏝island🏖beach🌷garden⌨️workroom🧘yoga from €810/month
  54. Treballu · Sardinia, Italy

    XS🧲hub🏝island🍃courtyard⌨️workroom👩‍🌾localfood🚌transit from €540/month
  55. Escape   Swiss · the Alps, Switzerland

    S🧚facilitated🏘dispersed⛰️mountains🎦🚌transit🚵‍♀️mtb🏸tennis from €990/month
  56. Vivenda Felicidade · outside Sintra, Portugal

    XS🏖coast♻️sustainability⌨️workroom🌾farming👩‍🌾localfood🎪occasional from €1400/month
  57. Beachub · Koh Phangan, Thailand

    M🏝island🤔unfacilitated🧲hub⌨️coworking🎦⌨️desk🖥️monitors from €900/month
  58. Selina · Tulum, Mexico

    M⌨️coworking🏨hostel🏊pool🍃terrace🛁ensuites👫couples from €1250/month
  59. Cornerstone · Bali, Indonesia

    S🧬impact🌷garden🎦🤔common workspace🎪occasional🏊pool🛁ensuites from €90/month
  60. Outsite · Sagres, Portugal

    M🏖beach⌨️workroom⌨️desk🍃terrace🛁ensuites🛖studios from €1720/month
  61. Destination Hostels · Ericeira, Portugal

    M🏨hostel⌨️desk🌷garden🏊pool🏖beach🏖coast from enquire
  62. Casa della Rosa · the Alps, Italy

    S⌨️workroom🍃terrace⌨️desk⛰️mountains🛒shops🚶hiking from €640/month
  63. Build3   CoHub · Goa, India

    XS🏖beach🤝association🧐curated🧲hub⚛️purposeful🏘dispersed from €140/two-weeks
  64. Beachbums · outside Matara, Sri Lanka

    S🏨hostel🏖beach⌨️workroom🧑‍🍳meals🍃terrace🚲bikes from €105/two-weeks
  65. Ikigai · Canary Islands, Spain

    XS🏖coast🏝island⌨️coworking🍃terrace🏨tourists💳booking from €600/month
  66. Alma Libre · near Bayonne, France

    S🤔common workspace🎪engaged🏖coast🏄surfing🏖beach🏊pool from €550/month
  67. Destination Hostels · Arrifana, Portugal

    M🏨hostel🍃terrace🏊pool🏖beach🏖coast🧘yoga from enquire
  68. Koh Mak Campus · near Trat, Thailand

    M🏝island🏨hybrid🏘dispersed⌨️coworking🛁ensuites🏊pool from €750/month
  69. Cobana · Transylvania, Romania

    S⛰️mountains⌨️workroom🌷garden⌨️desk🛁ensuites🚶hiking from €775/month
  70. Outsite   Cascais · near Lisbon, Portugal

    XS🏖coast🌷garden🏊pool⌨️workroom🏄surfing🛒shops from €870/month
  71. franz&mathilde · South Tyrol, Italy

    XS⛰️mountains🌷garden🚶hiking🚵‍♀️mtb🧗climbing🛁ensuites from €1190/month
  72. Outsite   Pererenan · Bali, Indonesia

    S⌨️workroom🌷garden🛁ensuites🏊pool🏖beach🏝island from €1280/month
  73. COCO · near Burgas, Bulgaria

    XS⌨️coworking🏘dispersed🍃terrace🏊pool⌨️desk🛖studios from €350/two-weeks
  74. Casa Cocolores · Fuerteventura, Spain

    S🏝island🧘yoga🚶hiking🛒shops🚌transit🌷garden from €670/month
  75. Banana House · Madeira, Portugal

    S⌨️workroom🔗connections🍃terrace🏝island🏖coast from enquire
  76. Hub Hoi An · Hội An, Vietnam

    M🏨hotel🏷promoter🔗connections🏖coast🧑‍🍳meals🤔common workspace from €290/month
  77. Coworx · Koh Lanta, Thailand

    XS🏝island🏘dispersed🏖beach⌨️coworking🍃terrace🛁ensuites from €360/month
  78. Robinhood   Pahadi · the Himalayas, India

    S⛰️mountains🧬impact🏨hostel🎪regular🎓courses🤔common workspace from €70/two-weeks
  79. Communal · Siargao, Philippines

    S🏝island🤔common workspace🎪regular🏖beach🏄surfing🛖studios from €560/month
  80. Salinara · Sicily, Italy

    M🏖coast🌷garden🤔common workspace🛁ensuites🧑‍🍳meals👫couples from €1000/month
  81. SoHome · the Alps, Switzerland

    XS🧲hub🤔unfacilitated⌨️workroom⛷️skiing🚶hiking🚵‍♀️mtb from €1365/month
  82. Sonta · near Osijek, Serbia

    XS🎪occasional🤔common workspace🌷garden🛖studios👩‍🌾localfood🌾farming from €380/month
  83. Nomadico   Abdel's · Tamraght, Morocco

    ~🏘dispersed🏨guesthouse🎪regular🤔common workspace⌨️desk🍃terrace from €650/month
  84. Outsite · Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

    S⌨️workroom🌷garden🏊pool🏖beach🏖coast🏄surfing from €2070/month
  85. aColmeia   Casa Amber · Goa, India

    S🏊pool🤔common workspace⌨️desk🌷garden🧑‍🍳meals🌡tropical from €360/month
  86. ColiveMe · Ahangama, Sri Lanka

    S🤔common workspace⌨️desk🛁ensuites🏊pool🌷garden🏝island from €360/two-weeks
  87. Outsite · Ericeira, Portugal

    S⌨️workroom🍃terrace🏖coast🛁ensuites🏄surfing🐿membership from €910/month
  88. Kissamos Bay · Crete, Greece

    S🤔common workspace🤔unfacilitated⌨️desk🍃terrace🚶hiking🏖beach from €210/two-weeks
  89. LoCoworking · Sámara, Costa Rica

    XS⌨️workroom🏘dispersed🛖studios🎪occasional🖥️monitors🎦🏖beach from €730/month
  90. Soul · outside Lisbon, Portugal

    S🏨guesthouse🤔common workspace🍃terrace🧑‍🎨arts🛒shops🚌transit from €490/month
  91. Karma Hostel · near Kutaisi, Georgia

    S🌷garden⌨️desk👫couples from €250/month
  92. aColmeia   Residencia Cardoso · Goa, India

    S🤔common workspace⌨️desk🧑‍🍳meals🌡tropical🧘yoga🛎concierge from €270/month
  93. Frilingue   Petit Vélan · the Alps, Switzerland

    M🌲rural🏨hostel🎪occasional⛰️mountains🤔common workspace🧑‍🍳meals from €500/month
  94. Akal · the Canary islands, Spain

    S👩‍🌾localfood🌾farming🥑vegan☮️intentional🧘yoga🚶hiking from enquire
  95. Digital Nomads Lesvos · Lesvos, Greece

    M🏘dispersed🏝island🛖studios🤔common workspace🏖coast🏊pool from €950/month
  96. Coliving Santana · Madeira, Portugal

    XS🌤mild🤔common workspace🍃terrace🏊pool⌨️desk📝application from €1100/month
  97. Frilingue   Relais de Dranse · the Alps, Switzerland

    M🌲rural🏨hostel⛰️mountains🎪occasional🤔common workspace🧑‍🍳meals from €600/month (only shared)
  98. The Paica · Bali, Indonesia

    M🏖coast🛁ensuites🏝island🌡tropical🏨tourists from €175/month
  99. Tanaga · Bali, Indonesia

    M🏨hotel🤔unfacilitated🤔common workspace🎦⌨️desk🏖coast🍃terrace from €510/two-weeks
  100. Outpost · Bali, Indonesia

    M🏘dispersed🏨hotel🤔unfacilitated🤔common workspace🏷package🧑‍🍳meals from €1110/month
  101. Calergi Residence · Crete, Greece

    M🏘dispersed🛖studios🏨guesthouse🤔common workspace🏖coast🍃terrace from €675/month
  102. Outpost · Bali, Indonesia

    S🏨hotel🤔unfacilitated🤔common workspace🛁ensuites🏊pool🏖beach from €1150/month
  103. Frilingue   Adrenalin · the Alps, Switzerland

    L🌲rural🏨hostel🤔unfacilitated📝application🏷promoter⛰️mountains from €600/month

supported by:
coliving coownership in Franceat cost use as a dynamic co‑op
from €3k for a month's annual use, €25k for a dedicated studio
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