Coliving Communitythe open directory for short/mid-term
purposeful [co]workations and stays

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Where you'll find programs bridging diverse groups and supporting stronger connections for the exchange of ideas and opportunities, such as in surrounding communities. You can expand this tag to show all 😇goodness.

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  1. 1

    iSlow · Galicia, Spain

    XS🌲rural⚛️purposeful👨‍👩‍👧families🧚facilitated⌨️coworking🎦⌨️desk from €1200/month
  2. 2

    Burgas · Burgas, Bulgaria

    M🏡village⌨️coworking⚛️purposeful🧚facilitated🎦⌨️desk⛲️big-garden from €790/month
  3. 3

    Pas · Cantabria, Spain

    XS🌲rural🤝cooperative⌨️coworking🧚facilitated🏘dispersed⚛️purposeful from €630/month
  4. 4

    Amigo House · outside Yokohama, Japan

    S🏬town🧲hub⌨️coworking🏖beach🎪occasional🎦🍃terrace from €545/two-weeks
  5. 5

    Maysou A Noste · the western Pyrénées, France

    S🌲rural⛰️mountainslaunching🧚facilitated🦺volunteering⌨️workroom from €420/two-weeks · association bringing together locals with weekly café opening
  6. 6

    Casa Netural · the south, Italy

    XS🏬town🎦🧲hub⌨️coworking🎪occasional⌨️desk🧬impact from €700/month
  7. 7

    EcoIsleta · the Canary Islands, Spain

    S🏬town🏝island♻️sustainability☮️intentional🧬impact🧚facilitated from €900/month · eco-shop
  8. 8

    Nomad Farm   Tudo É Arte · Santa Catarina, Brazil

    S♻️sustainability⌨️coworking🏞retreats🧑‍🎨arts🏖beach🏬town from €320/month
  9. 9

    The Space · San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

    M🏡village🏖coast🏨hostel♻️sustainability🏊pool⛲️big-garden from €50/month
  10. 10

    Sende · Galicia, Spain

    S🌲rural🎪engaged⌨️workspaces🧬impact🧑‍🍳meals👩‍🌾localfood from €690/month
  11. Belafonte · Santa Marta, Colombia

    M🏬town🎪regular🏖coast🏖beach⛰️mountains⌨️workroom from €260/month · events program offering space for 20% of sales
  12. The Hatchery Place · Subang Jaya, outside KL, Malaysia

    XS🏙city🧲hub🧐curated🎪occasional⌨️workroom🦺volunteering from €240/month · timebank
  13. ZeLLin House · outside Botevgrad, Bulgaria

    XS🌲rural🎪occasional⌨️workroom🌷garden🧑‍🍳meals🛁ensuites from €765/month
  14. Melnica Space · Zaoksky, Russia

    S🌲rural🧲hub🌷garden👩‍🌾localfood from enquire
  15. To Hani · near Limassol, Cyprus

    S🌲rural🎪occasional⌨️workroom🌷garden🏝island💳booking from €1490/month · with public events
  16. Anceu · Galicia, Spain

    M🌲rural⚛️purposeful🏕isolated🌷garden🐕pets🦺volunteering from €700/month
  17. L'Arbre · Normandy, France

    S🤝association🌲rural🌾farming🌷garden👩‍🌾localfood🎪occasional from €350/two-weeks
  18. Robinhood   Pahadi · the Himalayas, India

    S🏡village⛰️mountains🧬impact🏨hostel🎪regular🎓courses from €70/two-weeks

supported by:
coliving coownership in Franceat cost use as a dynamic co‑op
from €3k for a month's annual use, €25k for a dedicated studio
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