Coliving Communitythe open directory for short/mid-term
purposeful [co]workations and stays

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I'm looking to stay in

  1. 1

    Aoma · Ericeira, Portugal

    Sforming🏡village📈investments🧲hub🎪occasional⚛️purposeful from enquire
  2. 2

    Alt_ · Chiang Mai, Thailand

    L🏬town🧲hub🎦⌨️desk🍃terrace🧚facilitated🧘yoga from €580/month
  3. 3

    Cohere · multiple locations,

    Lforming⚛️purposeful🌲rural🏞retreats🧘‍♀️wellness🏁programmes from enquire
  4. 4

    KoHub · Ko Lanta, Thailand

    S🏝island🏡village🧙magic🧲hub♻️sustainability🏘dispersed from €1125/month
  5. 5

    Hub House · scouting, France

    Mplanning⚛️purposeful🤝cooperative🏡village🧲hub🧮coownership from enquire
  6. 6

    Alpiness · the Alps, Switzerland

    S🌲rural🏡village🧚facilitated⛰️mountains🖥️monitors🐕pets from €710/month
  7. 7

    Coliving Semkovo · near Bansko, Bulgaria

    XLlaunching🏕isolated⛰️mountains🧚facilitated🧮coownership🤝cooperative from enquire
  8. 8

    Coconat · outside Berlin, Germany

    M🌲rural⚛️purposeful🧲hub⛲️big-garden🛠makerspace🧬impact from €690/month
  9. 9

    Alt_   Ping River · Chiang Mai, Thailand

    L🏬town🧲hub🎦⌨️desk🍃terrace🎪regular🧘yoga from €620/month
  10. 10

    Outpost · Weligama, Sri Lanka

    M🧲hub🏡village🎪regular🧑‍🍳meals🛁ensuites🏊pool from €1390/month
  11. The Social Club · Chiang Mai, Thailand

    L🏬town🧲hub⌨️desk🖥️monitors🍃terrace🎪regular from €830/month
  12. Draper Startup House · Bangalore, India

    M🏙city🧲hub⚛️purposeful🎪occasional🍃terrace🏨tourists from €105/two-weeks
  13. Draper Startup House · Buenos Aires, Brazil

    M🏙city🧲hub⚛️purposeful🎪occasional🍃terrace from enquire
  14. Draper Startup House · Hyderabad, India

    L🏙city🧲hub⚛️purposeful🎪occasional⌨️desk🏨tourists from €85/two-weeks
  15. Somewhere Different · England, UK

    M🏬town🎪occasional🍃terrace🚲bikes🦺volunteering🛁ensuites from €465/month
  16. The Collective · London, UK

    XL⛪️suburban🎪occasional🏙city🏋️gym🛖studios🛁ensuites from €1510/month
  17. Punta La Barca · Manta, Ecuador

    S🌲rural🏖coast🧑‍🍳meals🛁ensuites🚌transit👫couples from €220/month
  18. Sende · Galicia, Spain

    S🌲rural🎪engaged🧬impact🛰️outreach🧑‍🍳meals👩‍🌾localfood from €690/month
  19. The Ark · London, UK

    XL⚜️upscale🏙city🏨hybrid🏊pool🏋️gym🛎concierge from €2110/month
  20. Parq · Bali, Indonesia

    XL⚜️upscale🏡village🏨aparthotel🧲hub🏝island🏘dispersed from €560/month
  21. Le Hüb · Grenoble, France

    XL🏨aparthotel🏙city🛖studios🤔unfacilitated🏋️gym🧑‍🍳meals from €350/two-weeks

supported by:
coliving coownership in Franceat cost use as a dynamic co‑op
from €3k for a month's annual use, €25k for a dedicated studio
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