Coliving Communitythe open directory for short/mid-term
purposeful [co]workations and stays

—  discover all colivings with — 🚵‍♀️ mountain biking

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  1. 1

    Cloud Citadel · the Alps, France

    M🏬town⛰️mountains🌲countryside⚛️purposeful🧚facilitated⌨️coworking from €900/month
  2. 2

    Hub House · scouting, France

    Mplanning⚛️purposeful🤝cooperative🏡village🧲hub🧮coownership from enquire
  3. 3

    Coliving Bansko · Bansko, Bulgaria

    XL🏬town🧲hub⛰️mountains🏨aparthotel🛖studios🎪regular from €770/month
  4. 4

    Taoro · the Canary Islands, Spain

    XS⛪️suburban🏝island🏖coast🛁ensuites🎪regular⌨️coworking from €1090/month
  5. 5

    Ocean Spirits Lodge · Algarve, Portugal

    M🏡village🏖beach🎪ad-hoc⌨️coworking🧘yoga🏄‍♀️sup from €420/two-weeks
  6. 6

    Dolce Vita · Umbria, Italy

    XSforming🏡village🎪regular⌨️workroom🚕pickup🚲bikes from €1300/month
  7. 7

    Abreuvoir Général · the Cévennes, France

    XS🏡village⛰️mountains🤝cooperative🧲hub⌨️workroom🎪occasional from €560/two-weeks
  8. 8

    Tertulia · near Florence, Italy

    S🏕isolated♻️sustainability⌨️workroom🎦👩‍🌾localfood🌾farming⌨️desk from €675/month
  9. 9

    Four Leaf Clover · Bansko, Bulgaria

    XL🏨aparthotel🏡village🎪occasional🛖studios🛁ensuites⌨️coworking from €350/month
  10. 10

    Escape   Swiss · the Alps, Switzerland

    S🏡village🧚facilitated🏘dispersed⛰️mountains🎦🚌transit🏸tennis from €990/month
  11. Avalon · Bansko, Bulgaria

    M⛰️mountains🏬town🎪occasional🤔common workspace⌨️desk🛁ensuites from €460/month
  12. Hostal Africa · Tarifa, Spain

    S🏬town🤔common workspace⌨️desk🎪regular🍃terrace🧘yoga from €670/month
  13. Outsite   Cascais · near Lisbon, Portugal

    XS🏡village🏖coast🌷garden🏊pool⌨️workroom🏄surfing from €870/month
  14. franz&mathilde · South Tyrol, Italy

    XS🏡village⛰️mountains🌷garden🚶hiking🧗climbing🛁ensuites from €1190/month
  15. Sedona Coliving · Sedona, AZ, USA

    XS🌲rural⛰️mountains⌨️workroom⌨️desk🏊pool🍃terrace from €1060/month
  16. SoHome · the Alps, Switzerland

    XS🏡village🧲hub🤔unfacilitated⌨️workroom⛷️skiing🚶hiking from €1365/month

supported by:
coliving coownership in Franceat cost use as a dynamic co‑op
from €3k for a month's annual use, €25k for a dedicated studio
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