📸 Coliving photos from
around the world!
Here you'll find recent public posts tagged to locations in our directory by guests and members, along with some official posts too. Get a glimpse of all the fantastic locations, spaces and what their communities get up to!
HomeOffice Madeira Santa Cruz🇵🇹 "Hello" from paradise 🌴🌞
IZE Canggu🇮🇩 “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the kind, flights to the imagination, and life to everything” ~Plato
Join us today from 5-7pm for our next Kirtan and Cacao Ceremony with “Journey to the Heart”.
It’s a FREE event and everyone is welcome to join.
Ceremonial cacao is available for 40K ☕️
HomeOffice Madeira Santa Cruz🇵🇹 Good afternoon, Madeira🌄☀️🌴♥️
It's time for a gym session 😊😊
Cactus Tenerife🇪🇸 Ready for the F R I D A Y? 🌵💚
#cactuscoliving #coliving #working forparadise #canaryremotework #workcation #cactuslover
HomeOffice Madeira Santa Cruz🇵🇹
Karma Surf Retreat near Lisbon🇵🇹 Waking up everyday with this view never gets tiring! Would you agree?
Come visit us soon and enjoy the great summer weather 🙏🏽
HomeOffice Madeira Santa Cruz🇵🇹 Community- that's what it's all about ♥️
Leider konnten wir nur 10 Bilder hinzufügen...
Danke, dass ihr alle hier seid, da wart oder noch kommen werdet 😍🥰🤩
IZE Canggu🇮🇩 Find yourself a tribe of people who help you create and write your best stories and adventures.
📸 credit: @land_of_candi
Navitas outside Ancona🇮🇹 Depilates
#pilates #yoga #fitness #pilateslovers #workout #pilatesinstructor #gym #fisioterapia #pilatesreformer #o #fit #fitnessmotivation #health #motivation #zumba #pilatesmat #pilatesstudio #wellness #personaltrainer #pilatesbody #pilatesbrasil #matpilates #training #saude #crossfit #barre #pilateslife #core #exercise #bhfyp
Outpost Canggu🇮🇩 Fresh haircut
#sevenbarberbali #barbercanggu #berawabeach
Outpost Canggu🇮🇩 Buzz cut.,,,
#sevenbarberbali #barbercanggu #barbershopindonesia #bali #haircut #buzzcut
Zmar Alentejo🇵🇹
The Onion Collective Ubud🇮🇩 Belakangan ini, kondisi sekitar dan kesibukan sehari-hari sering membuat kita merasa stres, gelisah dan cemas berlebihan.
Belajar meditasi mengajarkan kita untuk mengenali, mendengar dan menerima kegelisahan yang ada di dalam diri tanpa menghakimi.
Mulai minggu ini, setiap hari Jumat, Academy of Life Bali akan mengadakan kelas meditasi bersama untuk menyelaraskan tubuh, pikiran dan jiwa secara rutin.
Di sesi pertama, kita akan belajar bersama meditasi dengan menggunakan teknik Yoga Nidra atau sering disebut tidur ala yoga.
Yuk, daftarkan dirimu sekarang dengan Whatsapp ke 0878-6084-1408.
#academyoflifebali #kelasyoga #kelasmeditasi #mentalhealthindonesia we
Karma Surf Retreat near Lisbon🇵🇹 Hope everyone had an amazing weekend! Let’s start the week with positive and grateful vibes 🙏🏽 #KarmaTribe
Komune Kuala Lumpur🇲🇾 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 ❤️
Amarilla Tenerife🇪🇸 Let’s Talk Branding, Marketing & Sales! 📈
This week in collaboration with Coworking office @goldboxbusinesscenter Amarilla has organised a workshop for Branding, Marketing & Sales enthusiasts.
The workshop was led by Dave Travolta - Marketing & Sales expert and Jessica Van Horssen - Branding strategist. 👏🏼
Valuable knowledge, networking, professional insights and exchange of ideas - what a great workshop session!
Big thanks for the speakers:
Interested in attending the next one? We encourage you to check our website (find the link in bio) events section and keep an eye on it not to miss upcoming ones! 😉
#amarillaco #amarillatenerife #amarillacommunity #remoteworking #coliving #coworking #tenerifenomads #digitalnomad #travelcanaries #southtenerife #workshop #marketing #sales #branding #skillshare #seminar
Debed Lori🇦🇲 Breakfast at Debet.life 😍🍓❤️
The Onion Collective Ubud🇮🇩 Good sunny Sunday morning
#enjoyeverymoment #beyourself #happyme
Navitas outside Ancona🇮🇹 Le Conversazioni Informali sono più simili ad picnic gourmet 🥬che ad una abbuffata
Sono delle esperienze educative che stimolano 4 cambiamenti:
1️⃣ Lento (cognitivo comportamentale)
2️⃣ Veloce (sblocco emotivo)
3️⃣ Intermittente ( lento + veloce )
4️⃣ Quantico (imprevisto, inatteso o spontaneo)
Avvengono il più delle volte senza la presenza di un professionista e in modo del tutto naturale. La presenza di uno psicologo può accelerare il processo di sviluppo
⭕ Se non è rotto non aggiustarlo.
⭕ Se funziona amplifica
⭕ Se non funziona svolta.
È una metodologia flessibile che si adatta ai bisogni degli individui nella società.
Nelle piazze di quartiere possono avere un tocco anarchico underground oppure circolare nei corridoi come gossip nei palazzi.
Sta di fatto che sfuggono al controllo sia intimo che istituzionale Sono invisibili.
Non hanno forma. Sono appunto informali.
Le Conversazioni Informali disegnano i bordi di realtà possibili. I folli vedono i bordi, i saggi li disegnano.
Nelle marche immersi tra mare e monti c'è Navitas Coliving una comunità di cittadini in movimento che dialogano per definire quei bordi.
Piccole Micro comunità stanno prendendo forma tra Parigi 🇫🇷 La Paz 🇧🇴 Buenos Aires 🇦🇷 e Cracovia 🇵🇱 per rendere il mondo un posto migliore.
L'essenziale è invisibile agli occhi
#psicoterapeuta #psicoterapia #psicologia #psicologa #psicologiaclinica #psicologo #psicologiapositiva #psicoterapiaonline #terapia #psic #psicologiaonline #a #psicolog #saludmental #mente #n #saudemental #o #terapiaonline #psicologiacognitiva #psicologoonline #benessere #emozioni #psicanalise #psiche #psychology #emdr #logo #sessuologa #bhfyp
Debed Lori🇦🇲 Debed❤️
The Collective Long Island City🇺🇸 Although we have a helluva long way to go, I’m so grateful for every step that we make. 🙌🏾 Happy Juneteenth all!! #joyinthejourney #juneteenth2021 #freedomaintfree
PC: @martaskovro
Debed Lori🇦🇲 remote life @debed.life. working on @quimo.no
The Collective Long Island City🇺🇸 My 2020 New Year’s Resolution was to brave solo getaways. Then Corona hit us. Well, it’s 2021, #summersolstice weekend, and #juneteenth no less. I’m excited to get back to exploring the outdoors one precautionary measure at a time. #newyorkcity is back ya’ll! And so am I 😌
Selina Lisbon🇵🇹 F A C E S
Losodeli Puerto Escondido🇲🇽 Have you ever heard of: Oaxaca lo tiene todo?
Well, we do have everything. Come and explore this beautiful state. 💙
¿Has escuchado que Oaxaca lo tiene todo?
Pues es verdad, lo tenemos todo. Ven y visita nuestro hermoso estado. 🌸☀️🏝⛰
Visita nuestra página para ver todas las actividades que puedes realizar: www.casalosodeli.com
#oaxaca #puertoescondido #mexico #vacay #casalosodeli #losodeliexpeerience #vacaciones #magicalplace #oaxacalotienetodo #visitmexico #travel #pacificocean #beach #food #weekendvibe #paradise #explora
Navitas outside Ancona🇮🇹 Vista sul mare. Sole. Conversazioni informali con @conversazioni.informali - è tutto vero e si chiama @navitascoliving #nofilter #marche #staysud
We are excited to finally announce our partnership with this amazing and inspiring hotel in Amsterdam @livezoku 🙌
Kicking off with an online Yoga class, and hopefully soon also offline, where we can welcome you in various amazing event spaces.
Join us live and online via ZOOM on SATURDAY JULY 10.
Class: A Yoga Flow class from @maroesjaderuyter from 9.00-10.00 AM.
Ticket: 15 euro.
Buy your ticket via eventbrite #linkinbio and invite your friends, partner and family to enjoy this moment of selfcare.
We hope to welcome you on the mat! Namasté 🙏🧘♀️🧘♂️
#partners #holisticcollaboration #yoga #flow #zoom #onlineclass #selfcare #bepresent #zokuamsterdam #flowagencymanagement
Punta La Barca Manta🇪🇨 Whales ❤🐳❤
They arrive at the Ecuadorean coast in June, and stay in these warm waters with their babies until October.
You can easily spot them just various times a day from Punta la Barca. A day trip away, small boats take you out to see their magnificence up close. The adventurous traveler takes his kitesurf to do the same..
Three whales in front of Punta La Barca, catched up close with a drone, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKpf01_dkQQ
Want to know more? https://puntalabarca.com/whale-watching-in-ecuador/
puntalabarca #coliving #santamarianita #digitalnomad #laptoplifestyle #nomadlife #remotework #digitalnomadlife #locationindependent #solopreners #workonline #fulltimetravel #officeoftheday #freelancers #freelancing #remoteworker #remoteworking#remotejobs #travelecuador #ecuadortravel_ig #discoverecuador #ecuadorprimero #ecuadoramalavida #ecuador #allyouneedisecuador
La Cocotera Tarifa🇪🇸 Hoy @nomadocs_stories nos trae cine de verano 🍿a las 21:00 en nuestro rooftop (hasta completar aforo)
Un largometraje de cine documental realizado por Antonio de Rodrigo, él estará esta noche para vernos disfrutar de su peli
“ACROSS THE RIVERS - Los mensajes ocultos de Ganga”
Sinopsis: Más allá de los problemas medioambientales a los que se enfrenta el río Ganges en el contexto social de India, la Diosa Ganga representa el curso de la vida para en el hinduismo, según la mitología, descendió desde el cielo con el fin de salvar y purificar a sus gentes atravesando lo que simboliza una arteria social y política para el país.
Pero, ¿qué hay más allá del curso del Río? Pasado, presente y la lucha por la supervivencia se entrelazan en este documental que recorre de modo cosmológico los misterios y controversias a las que se enfrenta uno de los ríos más antiguos del planeta.
#cinedeverano #tarifa #rooftopcinema #coworkingtarifa #coliving #nomadocs #cinedocumental #popcorns #digitalnomadstarifa
PodShare Venice🇺🇸 We have the best roommates!
Arctic Coworking Lodge the far north🇳🇴 Happy friday!🏄🏽♀️
If you haven’t already, it’s sooon time to shut your laptop, get out of your backbreaking office chair, and head outside!🏔 Enjoy every second of your weekend, everyone🌞
📷 @marenforsberg
#digitalnomads #coliving #digitalnomad #startuplife #coworking #entrepreneur #coworkingspace #workspace #workandtravel #laptoplifestyle #entrepreneurship #freelancer #freelancelife #selfemployed #solopreneurs #remotework #webdesigner #officegoals #workshop #workfromanywhere #officeoftheday #nomads #worldtraveler #travelblogger #seetheworld #exploretocreate #travelstoke #positivevibes #changeyourlife #creativity
samesame Lisbon🇵🇹 Friday thoughts: dive into bed after work or get together with everyone else? 💭
@maria_salminen sitting in one of the samesame’s living rooms. ✨
#samesamecoliving #lisbon #coliving #coworking #workingabroad #digitalnomad #nomadlife #creativelife #rest #fridaymood
Outpost Canggu🇮🇩 This Sunday it's International Surfing Day! 🏄🏽
What better way to celebrate than catching waves in Canggu? That's how we'll be celebrating!
Our bustling Canggu space is a short scooter ride from the beach so you can get productive by day and then head down to the beach to ride the waves post-work, whatever day of the week!
Where are your favorite surf spots in Bali?
📸 Maksym Ivashchenko
Selina Lisbon🇵🇹 Thank you for joining us 🙏
@alinaaals, Sara Balcazar Bañeras & Lison Maréchal
Palma Coliving Palma🇪🇸 Besides its charming old city, Valencia is famous for its futuristic art and science complex : Arts Palace 🖼Oceanographic 🐳 Agora, Hemispheric 🪐Umbracle 💦 and Science museum 🔭 Busy busy program 😁
Photo @jhoutkamp
#city #cityphotography #valencia #futuristicarchitecture #futuristic #coliving #coworkingplace #coworking #house #nomad #digitalnomad #nomad #nomadlifestyle #nomadlife #digitalnomads #community #lifestyle
Home4Creativity Calabria🇮🇹 🔥Con l'arrivo del caldo, gli esperti consigliano di mangiare "leggero" ma nel nostro Home Restaurant è impossibile!
Per questo fine settimana, alcune proposte dell'Homer sono:
🍴 tagliere con sfiziosità di giornata
🍝 fileja alla norma
🍖arista di maiale gratinato con patate 'mbacchiuse (per chi vuole restare leggero, contorno di verdure dell'orto). 📞Prenota al 379 119 1608, ti aspettiamo da martedì a sabato a cena e domenica a pranzo.
#home4creativity #coliving #colivingcalabria #colivingrurale #homerestaurant #piatticalabresi #traditionalfood #calabriafood
The Collective Long Island City🇺🇸 Finding your place in the world comes easy for some people.
For others,it takes a while.
Yep,it can be frustrating when you feel like you’re all alone.
The key is to keep plugging away.Never stop EXPLORING.Make an effort to meet people.Ask questions and look for ANSWERS.
Don’t settle for something less than what was meant for you.The World is a big place and eventually you will find EXACTLY where you BELONG.
Few things in life are more satisfying than when you finally fit into the PERFECT puzzle and surround yourself with like-minded people, the same goals and similar level of AMBITION and VALUES as you.
Give it time.
Like all puzzles in life, PATIENCE is the key.
And remember you may be somebody who’s already found where you fit,but when you meet new people,realize they may want to find somewhere to belong and you may just very well be,their home.
#patience #neverstopexploring #neverstoplearning #neverstopdreaming #patienceisthekey #patienceisavirtue #nevergiveup #education #goal #motive #doctor #medicine #internalmedicine #clinicalassociate #dontsettle #findyourpeople #keepgoing #keepgoingnomatterwhat #lifeisgood #lifeisbeautiful
Biliq Kuta🇮🇩 Do you know that you could
burn anywhere from 120 to
210 more calories just by
swapping 3 hours of sitting for
standing? 💪
We offer a standing table or
regular table with an ergonomic chair for your options.
#biliqbali #coworkingbali #virtualoffice #digitalnomad #wfb #bali #coworkinglife #baliisland #instagood #balimood
The Space San Juan del Sur🇳🇮 I mean, the pictures just don’t do this place justice, but The Space hotel in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua is insanely gorgeous and the best part of my trip so far 🤩🙀
#sanjuandelsur #nicaragua #thespacehotel
Bali Bustle Kuta🇮🇩
Hustle Culture.
Some say it’s toxic positivity, others see it as way to crunch time your way towards success. What is your opinion towards it? Let us know in the comments below.
Contact us at Hello@balibustle.com
PlayHouse Quito🇪🇨 ¿Cuando estaremos listxs para aceptar que cada quien es como quiere y necesita ser? El tiempo se nos queda corto pero sabemos que es momento de trascender y de mirar a todas las personas con 💙
¡En #PlayHouse hay un espacio para ti!🏳️🌈
Stockholm Studios Kyiv🇺🇦 залишу це фото, бо краса та затишок цього міста мене вразили! #всімдобра🤓 #всімлюбові🥰 #всіммагії✨
Stockholm Studios Kyiv🇺🇦 інколи буває, що треба просто зупинитись і відчути себе тут і зараз! #всімдобра🤓 #всімлюбові🥰 #всіммагії✨
Cactus Tenerife🇪🇸 #tenerife🌵 is among the top destinations in the world with the highest growth of #teleworkers and #digitalnomads . Here's why...
🌋 NATURAL WONDER: Tenerife is formed from volcanic eruptions creating sceneries uniquely beautiful and full contrasts; you’ll find the wildest black volcanic beaches, huge mountains, lunar landscapes and even lush green Laurel forests
☀️ WEATHER: Tenerife has a very pleasant climate and the temperature never drops below 15ºC (and that's in the middle of the night 😁)
✈️ CONNECTIONS: Tenerife is just 4-5 hours from Europe and there are cheap flights from almost every big city
💰 AFFORDABLE LIVING: Canary Islands are one of the cheapest places to live in Europe. Petrol costs less than a € per liter and beer is under 2€ a pint
💻 INTERNET: Tenerife is fully wired up with fiber, you can get connected to the internet pretty much anywhere
🏄🏼♀️ SURFING:Tenerife is a very own surfers paradise
⛴️ ISLAND HOPPING: If you base yourself in Tenerife, then you can hop to any of the other Canary Islands by ferry or plane. Here, taking a ferry is like taking a bus 😉
#cactuscoliving #colivingspace #coworkingspace #coliver #coworkation #workandtravel #digitalnomads #community #communityliving #digitalnomadlifestyle #remotework #worklifebalance #workfromparadise #tenerife #canaryislands
Melnica Space Zaoksky🇷🇺 Уно моменто #вышекрыши #запахлетаинавоза #встречи
Musicasa La Palma🇪🇸 The guagua stop 🚌✈️🛳️
Don't know where to go next? 🤔 Come to La Palma 🌴☀️💻
📸 @francisjavierdeleon
📍El Remo, La Palma
#trabajoenremoto #coliving #digitalnomad #digitalnomadlifestyle #nomadadigital #remotework #remoteworking #colivinglapalma #lapalma #canaryislands #coworking #worklifebalanced #workremotely #workfromanywhere #workfromparadise #lapalmaworks #musicasacoliving
PlayHouse Quito🇪🇨 BIsible! no todo es blanco negro y crear espacio para los grises es parte de abrazar la diversidad. Gracias por confiar en #PlayHouse para expresarte y compartir quien eres 💛
Quinta da Quinhas near Viana do Castelo🇵🇹 🌼🍀🌷 A beleza da primavera!
Lokal Tbilisi🇬🇪 How to better cope with reality?
Play games, meet new people, hang out with friends and just enjoy life in the middle of the week!
Weekly, on Wednesdays, join our board game nights, pick your favorite game from a variety of games we offer, and play for hours!
Trust us, this is exactly what you need in the middle of the week!
What’s your favorite game so far?
#travelpreneurlife #digitalnomads #digitalnomadlifestyle #solotravelers #tbilisi❤️ #remoteworkinglife #workandtravel2021 #coworkingoffice #tbilisihack #touristtrophy #workandtravelusa #workfromanywhereintheworld #workhardplayharder💪 #workhardplay #nomadicstateofmind #professionalnomad #freelancerlifestyle #lokaltbilisi #remotelyfromgeorgia #revengetravel
Plura Bogotá🇨🇴 Este fin de semana en el marco del Open San Felipe @be.art.gallery los invita al cierre de la Exposicion de @devie.ngu
#popart #popartstyle #artecolombiano #exhibition #exhibitionart #colleccionistadearte #collector #artcollector #colombiancollector #doodle #doodleart #monstruos #drawing #sanfelipe #sanfelipedistritodearte #sanfelipedistritocreativo #bogota
Debed Lori🇦🇲 Sunday brunch with pearling wines! Our wine weekend ends in a delicious and delicate manner, and with an unforgettable mood 🍇
#debedlife #wineweekend #sundaybrunch #petnat
Chateau Chapiteau near Gurjaani🇬🇪
Mutinerie Village outside Paris🇫🇷 First step Mutinerie Village ! ❤️ Merci aux mutins pour leur accueil et rdv fin juillet pour le concert 🥳
Quinta da Quinhas near Viana do Castelo🇵🇹 Descanso na @quinta_quinhas_albergue_cowork
Sigam a nossa página pois em breve já podemos receber hóspedes, peregrinos, coworkers e famílias no nosso pacato albergue rural. 🙏
El Capitan Normandy🇫🇷 🌿Chez HD, on ADORE les Coliving😍
D’ailleurs, on en prépare un nouveau!!
🌴 20 au 23 août (avec possibilité de prolonger avant ou après, au coliving)
👉🏻Un retour d'expérience terrain après plusieurs années d'expérimentation côté El Capitan et Happy Dev sur la gestion d'un commun.
Seront évoqués les problèmes rencontrés et résolus, les bonnes pratiques, l'inégalité d'investissement entre les membres, les limites perçues du modèle, les freins actuels et pas encore dépassés.
🌻 Pour animer cette rencontre, Alice, animatrice de plusieurs communautés, passionnée d'intelligence collective.
Tu viens témoigner, échanger, construire avec nous ?
On va pas faire que bosser, promis !
https://www.elcapitan.fr/ Pour s’inscrire :
HAPPY DEV ✌🏻Réseau de 600+ indépendant.e.s des métiers du numérique.
🚀Équipes sur mesure et pluridisciplinaires pour chaque projet.
#happydev #freelance #freelancefrance #autoentrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #manifeste #microentrepreneur #webmarketing #webentrepreneur #coliving #developpeurweb #heureuxautravail #happyworking #digitalnomad #coworking
Château Coliving Normandy🇫🇷 Castle photoshoot 😱🤭
PodShare Venice🇺🇸 Time for popcorn and a movie?
Lindenberg Frankfurt🇩🇪 @michelesatta_bolgheri was always a mentor for me and a pioneer! A pioneer in wine, life and a certain way of being part of nature and the universe! His “Cavaliers” was and still is the most Mediterranean wine in Bolgheri, if not in Tuscany! Juicy, herbal with elegant red fruit a deep earthy character and a unique profile! Just like he is! Very true and no bullshitting around! Grazie Michele! Wir lots of love and respect - yours @winepunk_gc !!! #michelesatta #winepunk #bolgheri #sangiovese #cavaliere #winelover #wineguys
Stockholm Studios Kyiv🇺🇦 «Знайти своїх та заспокоїтись!» - ця фраза буде доречна до нашого наступного скандинавського кіновечора серед чоловіків та кур.
Габріель та Еліас, пара міцних хлопців, раптом дізнаються від батька про те, що у них є брати. Та, власне, і батько їм не зовсім рідний, і матері різні.
Дивакуваті пригоди братів пронизані особливим північним чорним гумором та особливою ніжністю до тварин. Тому і обговорення хюггє крізь призму чоловіків та кур не оминемо увагою.
Запрошуємо на скандинавську кіновечерю. На датський настрій перед переглядом кіно налаштують традиційні сморрєброди із світлим лагером та яблучний пиріг із вершками. За гумор відповідають «Чоловіки та кури» та гарний настрій гостей.
Квитки: 390 грн.
Формат: 14+
*Фільм використовується для ілюстрації теми.
Резерв квитків: +38(098)970-93-30.
Stockholm Studios Kyiv🇺🇦 Так долго готовимся, так быстро пролетают наши встречи...
Как ураган пронесся наш очередной тренинг на выходных.
Но насколько заряжает насыщенность двух дней интенсива в шикарном месте с замечательными людьми, с максимальной пользой 💪
⚡️ Основное преимущество - полное погружение в учебный процесс, которое не дает расслабить мозг, переключиться и отвлечься на другие бытовые или рабочие моменты.
⚡️ Результат - «все тоже только в профиль» за 2 дня.
Это must have для тех:
⁃ кому легко дается большой объем информации;
⁃ кто считает, что лучший досуг - это нетворкинг;
⁃ кому нужен видимый прогресс уже завтра!
Вдохновляет и располагает неформальная обстановка в эстетичном загородном месте @stockholm_studios 🏞
Благодарим наших партнеров, которые делают эти два дня особенно незабываемыми 🌈
@shmed.com.ua и @medushaua - 100% натуральная медовая продукция 🍯
@cupcakestudiokiev - сладости на любой праздник 🎂🧁🍪
@teahouseukraine - чай и кофе со всего мира 🌱
@hardio_me - cycle-студия нового поколения 💪
@zbird_jewellery - ювелирные украшения с 💎
@jelite.jam - джемы и соуса на любой вкус 🍭
Мотивирует комьюнити самых целеустремленных и смелых людей 👥
Заряжает неизменная @irina_palko ⚡️
The Collective Long Island City🇺🇸 #springtwist all #summer - the ultimate #protectivestyle
📸 @purrfect43
PHNX Hamburg🇩🇪 Guess where this charming shelf is located? 🔍 🤔 That’s right! It decorates the walls in our bathrooms. It leaves enough space for your own decorations and essentials. Everything in our rooms is designed so you can add your own touch and make yourself feel at home! 🏠🖤 Also of course our sanitary products are completely sustainable!
Ratet mal wo dieses stilvolle Regal zu finden ist? 🔍 🤔 Richtig! Es dekoriert die Wand in unseren Badezimmern. Hier habt ihr Platz für eure eigenen Essentials. Unsere Räume sehen nicht nur gut aus, sondern bieten genug Platz für eure individuelle Einrichtung. So macht ihr den Raum zu eurem Zuhause! 🏠🖤 Und unsere Hygieneartikel sind natürlich alle komplett nachhaltig!
#PHNX #coliving #hotel #design #Hamburg #industrial #detail
Lokal Tbilisi🇬🇪 Who wouldn't want to live in a place full of positive people, with super cozy rooms, high-speed Internet, and fun, interactive events almost every day?!
Raise your hand if that's you! And don't miss out on this chance to book your stay with us!
LOKAL offers a great discount on monthly stays, check out the availability today!
Link in bio
#colivingspace #coliving #colivingspaces #colivinglife #nomadliving #expatliving #expatlife #tbilisiphoto #tbilisi🇬🇪 #oldtbilisi #traveltotbilisi #visitgeorgia #freelancers #travelprofessionals #remoteworking #wanderlustlife #locationindependent #mindfullife #mindfultravel #digitalnomad #entrepreneurminds #laptoplifestyle #laptoplife #laptoplifestyleliving #lokaltbilisi #remotelyfromgeorgia #revengetravel #revengetravelling
HomeOffice Madeira Santa Cruz🇵🇹 Our "chillax pool" has officially been inaugurated 😎🌴
Lindenberg Frankfurt🇩🇪 LINDLEY'S 069 HEAT SPECIAL 💦
Die kommenden Tage werden heiß - in FFM werden diese Woche Temperaturen bis zu 37 Grad erreicht.
Für Frankfurter*innen bieten wir wieder kühlen Unterschlupf: 39 Euro pro Zimmer & Nacht in unseren klimatisierten Zimmern. Buchung diesen Donnerstag bis Samstag (17.-19.6.) via lindley@thelindenberg.com oder 069 506086050 - Bitte gebt Eure Frankfurter Adresse an und legt bei Check-In Euren Ausweis vor.
#heatwavespecial #beattheheat #spreadtheword #lindenbergcollective #lindleylindenberg #ffm #069 #ostend
📷 @simonbolzphoto Model: @aguynamedparker
The Collective Old Oak🇬🇧 As well as all our shared spaces to connect, work and unwind, our members have their own totally private space to retreat back to when they need to reset. It’s all about finding that balance.
Snuggly pic by illusions_bach
Zoku Amsterdam🇳🇱 werq from zoku ✌🏻🌱
Zoku Amsterdam🇳🇱 I'm happy!
Four Leaf Clover Bansko🇧🇬 We have started our Bulgarian Lessons. 🇧🇬
So now every Monday at 6:30pm you can join us at Four Leaf Clover Coworking to learn Bulgarian.
до понеделник! 🤪
Tertulia near Florence🇮🇹 We are cleaning and making more easy to follow some old paths around Tertulia. This one is in the property and leeds to a small stream of water in a very cool place (and with the summer getting hot is a very nice place to visit). On this path there is also a the opporunity to take a break from our full connected life as at the bottom there is no connection: is a real digital detox place! Have ever thought to take a few hours off from you smartphone? Can you immagine the frredom and potential in creativity that staiying without notifications can give to you?
#tertulia #tertuliastories #forestcoworking #ruralcoworking #coliving #smartworking #ruralsmartworking #digitalnomad #creativenomad #remoteworkers #plants #reconnectnature #forest #bosco #tuscany #ruralnomad #countryescape #onlyincoliving
Lokal Tbilisi🇬🇪 La que puede puede…
Love my new home 🥰
Bali Bustle Kuta🇮🇩
That mid-week hump is so so real!
If you’ve sat on that chair for way too long, it’s time you take a break and walk around our premises – take a quick dip in the pool or grab a snack from our cafe.
Research has proven that the ideal work-to-break ratio is 52 minutes of work followed by 17 minutes of rest. Maintain this schedule and guaranteed you’ll see a difference in your level of focus.
Contact us at Hello@balibustle.com
Selina Lisbon🇵🇹 Pra onde tenha sol, é pra lá que eu vou! 🐶🐾☀️ #sunnyday #sunshine #summervibes #rooftop #sunsetlovers #dogsun #summeriscoming #lisbon #lisboa #lisbonlovers #portugal #selina #megthetiny #doginfluencer #petfluencer #yorkshireterrier #instadog
Alsenhof near Hamburg🇩🇪 We don't appreciate what we have until it's gone. Freedom is like that. It's like air. When you have it, you don't notice it
#alsenhof #light #window #availablelight #woman #inkedgirls #inkstagram #tatoogirl #inktattoo #tatoo #tatooart #schwarzweissfotografie #swfotografie #nikonz7ii #nikonphotography #portrait_vision #portraits #portrait_mood #portraitphotography #photooftheday #portraits_mf #portrait_shots #portraitstyles_gf #portraitsmadeingermany #portraitoftheday #portraitcentral #itzehoe #lägerdorf #schleswigholstein
samesame Lisbon🇵🇹 Songwriting...it’s a process...
Who can relate? 😝
It’s incredible how intense our relationship with creativity can be. Since were pretty much carving our feelings into paper, writing about something can feel just as intense as the actual experience. And once its done, those feelings stay there forever, like a photograph or a recording of an emotion/sensation, ready to be felt every time we play it. That’s the power of true music.
Sometimes calling it songwriting or music making seems to soft or numb, for some examples id rather call it “song-fighting” or “music-f**ing” pardon my expression...
stay creative, go into the storm, the rainbow is always worth it. 🌈🦄✌🏽
Stockholm Studios Kyiv🇺🇦 The best weekend 🔥
И все благодаря @irina_palko @palko_oratory_school
Новые знания и умения, отличное место и прекрасные участники.
Практика, практика и ещё раз практика выступлений. 💙💙💙
Zoku Vienna🇦🇹 Я в моменте 🕶
Château Coliving Normandy🇫🇷 We did a Murder Mystery night at the Château Coliving back in May and it was so much fun! 😍
HomeOffice Madeira Santa Cruz🇵🇹 Seb testet als Erstes unser neues Erfrischungsbecken...
Wir sind so dankbar für Alles hier und für Alle, die bereits hier waren und uns mit ihren Ideen inspiriert haben!
#pool #remotework #workfromhome #workation #digitalnomad #money #digitalnomads #summer #sun #workfromanywhere #love #digitalernomade #workandtravel #joinmytrip #weekend #favs #water #coworking #entrepreneur #adventurenthusiasts #germany #freelancelife #cute #zeitunabhängig #bikini #freelance #mca #1maicaaltul #sommer
KoHub Ko Lanta🇹🇭 ❤️❤️❤️😻😻😻
Château Coliving Normandy🇫🇷 Como dia 12 eu fico com toda a atenção, vou postar a foto de dia dos namorados hoje
📸: @dniesss
Arctic Coworking Lodge the far north🇳🇴 Endless hiking trails just minutes from the Lodge 🏔
Feel free to ask us for tips!☺️
📷 @marenforsberg
#digitalnomads #coliving #digitalnomad #startuplife #coworking #entrepreneur #coworkingspace #workspace #workandtravel #laptoplifestyle #entrepreneurship #freelancer #freelancelife #selfemployed #solopreneurs #remotework #webdesigner #officegoals #workshop #workfromanywhere #officeoftheday #nomads #worldtraveler #travelblogger #seetheworld #exploretocreate #travelstoke #positivevibes #changeyourlife #creativity
Quinta da Quinhas near Viana do Castelo🇵🇹 🇬🇧 How about a picnic in the shade of the chestnut tree? A small green and flowery meadow, the animals close by and the peacefulness of our rurality... this is a little bit of what we want to offer our guests. Soon, soon... 🤞🙏
🇵🇹 Que tal um pic nic à sombra do castanheiro? Um pequeno prado verde e florido, os animais por perto e a pacatez da nossa ruralidade... isto é um pouco do que queremos proporcionar aos nossos hóspedes. Em breve, em breve... 🤞🙏
#vidarural #coliving #coworking #hostelrural #caminhodacosta #caminodesantiago #albergue #alberguerural #digitalnomad #remotework #slowliving #rurallifestyle #ruralliving #vilapraiadeancora #altominho #hostellife #peregrinos #colivinspace
Melnica Space Zaoksky🇷🇺 Праздник летнего солнцестояния является одним из самых важных в годовом цикле.
21 июня называют летним солнцеворотом и после этой даты дневные часы начинают убывать. Именно в этот день мы соберем и зажжём костер в честь Силы жизни! Наши подношения с дымом костра поднимутся и дойдут до духов Вселенной!
Мы приглашаем Вас присоединится к нашему костру и разделить таинство Природы и космических сил! Для того, чтобы внутри каждого случился солнцеворот на новое, доброе и сильное!
В программе:
🔥 Обряд подношения даров духам, воде и огню
🎼 Ночная церемония «Хрустальная юрта»:
поток горловых и обертонных звуков, создающих купол и разгоняемый силой звуковых вибраций, глубокая очистительная практика, где идёт соединение внутреннего и внешнего пространства, а затем открывается новое, ощутимое и непознаваемое
🌞 Обряд «Танец Солнца» на рассвете: глубоко внутренняя, очистительная и экстатическая практика, которая обращена на своё тело, позволяет хорошо его осознавать, чувствовать — действительно присутствовать в теле, жить полноценной жизнью
Шончалай Ховенмей @shonchalai_baikara — шаманка из родовой линии Салгын (Ветер, 1705) хакасского рода Ах Хасха (Белая Кость, 1293) Таг Харга (Горные Вороны) и родовой линии Ховенмей (Мягкий, 1915) тувинского рода Байкара (Великий Черный, 1438), действительный член Организации тувинских шаманов «Дунгур» («Бубен», г. Кызыл).
Стоимость участия в празднике с проживанием и питанием: 7000 рублей, запись в директ
Подробнее по ссылке в профиле ☀
Selina Lisbon🇵🇹 We are so happy with our first swap event that took place in Lisboa.
👩+👨 26 ladies + 2 gentleman participated
💯 558 points generated from clothing
👚 240 garments
♻️ 143 pieces swapped
🚀 62 pieces donated to @etic to the students of fashion design course!
💾 35 saved for the next swap event ✨ Thank you @mercado.amour for having us 💕💕
Any thought you would like to share? Feel free :)
Biliq Kuta🇮🇩 Have you tried our latest star
of the month Chicken Wings
with Homemade Brown
You can have it with
rice or without, your choice 🥙 #boubali
#biliqbali #coworkingspace #balifoodies #baliisland #bali #instafood #cafebali #deliciousfood #thebalibible
Zoku Vienna🇦🇹 Zoku Vienna! A new hotel in town with a great rooftop terrace and really good food at the living kitchen rooftop restaurant!
Zoku Vienna is located in the 2nd district Leopoldstadt, very close to the Vienna Prater and just 10 Minutes from the city centre!
#hotel #new #hotelsinvienna #viennahotel #vienna #wien #wienliebe #restaurant #rooftoprestaurant #rooftopterrace #prater #wienerprater #neueshotel #urlaub #urlauninösterreich #urlaubinwien #holidaysinvienna #holidaysinaustria #wienliebe #viennafood #restaurantempfehlung #brunch #zokuvienna #österreich #austria
Zoku Vienna🇦🇹 Vienna @ it's best
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