Coliving Communitythe open directory for short/mid-term
purposeful [co]workations and stays

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  1. 1

    Nine · the Canary Islands, Spain

    M🏡village🏖coast🏝island🧚facilitated⌨️coworking🧘yoga from €840/month
  2. 2

    Gumbrini · outside Kutaisi, Georgia

    XS🌲rural🧚facilitated⌨️coworking🎦🧑‍🍳meals🌷garden⌨️desk from €145/month
  3. 3

    Château Coliving   Château de l'Isle Marie · Normandy, France

    M🌲rural⛲️big-garden🧚facilitated⌨️coworking⌨️desk🎦⚜️upscale from €1170/month
  4. 4

    Circles   Vallvidrera · Barcelona, Spain

    M🏙city⛪️suburban🎪occasional⌨️coworking🎦🍃terrace🌷garden from €800/month
  5. 5

    redNERD · Hurghada, Egypt

    M⛪️suburban🏖coast🧚facilitated🧑‍🍳meals🏊pool🛁ensuites from €420/month · weekly; housekeeping 3 times weekly
  6. 6

    Hoppin · Seoul, South Korea

    S🏙city🧲hub⌨️coworking🎪occasional🎦🖥️monitors🍃terrace from €520/month · fee
  7. 7

    Coliving Bansko · Bansko, Bulgaria

    XL🏬town🧲hub⛰️mountains🏨aparthotel🛖studios🎪regular from €770/month · option
  8. 8

    Nomadico · Ericeira, Portugal

    S🏡village🎪occasional⌨️coworking⌨️desk🍃terrace🛁ensuites from €475/month
  9. 9

    Homebase · Hiriketiya, Sri Lanka

    XS⛪️suburban🏖beach⌨️coworking🏄surfing🏝island🎪occasional from €770/month
  10. 10

    Hub53 · Chiang Mai, Thailand

    S🏬town⚛️purposeful🧲hub⌨️coworking🎦🛁ensuites⌨️desk from €210/month
  11. The Collective · London, UK

    XL⛪️suburban🎪occasional🏙city🏋️gym⌨️workspaces🛖studios from €1510/month
  12. Bali Bustle · Bali, Indonesia

    S🏬town🧲hub🤔unfacilitated⌨️coworking⌨️desk🎦🏋️gym from €460/month
  13. Playworking · near Tivat, Montenegro

    S🌲rural🎪occasional⌨️workroom🌷garden🧘yoga🏄‍♀️sup from €1200/month · weekly
  14. Tree House Hostel · the Canary Islands, Spain

    M🌲rural🏨hostel🎪ad-hoc⌨️coworking🍃terrace🏊pool from €315/two-weeks
  15. Together · Melbourne, Australia

    XL⛪️suburban🧲hub🎪occasional🏊pool🌷garden🧑‍🍳meals from €690/two-weeks
  16. Hyve · Basel, Switzerland

    L🏬town🏨hybrid🧲hub⌨️desk🎪occasional🍃terrace from €565/two-weeks · weekly
  17. Finca Abogat · outside Valencia, Spain

    M🌲rural⌨️workroom⛲️big-garden🏊pool🧑‍🍳meals🍿movies from €1000/month
  18. The Ark · London, UK

    XL⚜️upscale🏙city🏨hybrid⌨️workspaces🏊pool🏋️gym from €2110/month
  19. Kotor Nest · Kotor, Montenegro

    M🏬town🏘dispersed⛰️mountains🌲countryside🏖coast⌨️workroom from €1290/month
  20. Neighbourgood   1st Crescent · Cape Town, South Africa

    M⛪️suburban🏖beach🤔unfacilitated🤔common workspace🏊pool🍃terrace from €1960/month
  21. Neighbourgood   Hill · Cape Town, South Africa

    L🏬town🏖coast🏨hybrid🤔unfacilitated🤔common workspace🏊pool from €345/two-weeks
  22. Kissamos Bay · Crete, Greece

    S🏡village🤔common workspace🤔unfacilitated⌨️desk🍃terrace🚶hiking from €210/two-weeks · weekly
  23. Neighbourgood   Ravenscraig · Cape Town, South Africa

    M🏬town🏖coast🏨hybrid🤔unfacilitated🤔common workspace🏊pool from €1115/month
  24. Neighbourgood   Romney · Cape Town, South Africa

    S🏬town🏨hybrid🏖coast🤔unfacilitated🤔common workspace🏊pool from €965/month
  25. Inverso · Medellín, Colombia

    L🏙city🏨aparthotel🛖studios⌨️desk🤔common workspace🍃terrace from €380/month · extra charge
  26. Neighbourgood   East City · Cape Town, South Africa

    XL🏬town🏨hotel🤔unfacilitated🤔common workspace🍃terrace⌨️ergo desk from €1390/month
  27. Neighbourgood   Newlands · Cape Town, South Africa

    XL🏬town🏨hotel🤔unfacilitated🤔common workspace🍃terrace🏊pool from €1420/month
  28. Outpost · Bali, Indonesia

    M🏘dispersed🏡village🏨hotel🤔unfacilitated🤔common workspace🏷package from €1110/month

supported by:
coliving coownership in Franceat cost use as a dynamic co‑op
from €3k for a month's annual use, €25k for a dedicated studio
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